From the entry into force of European Regulatio 2016/679 on the protection and processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (GDPR), website visitors have the right to be specifically and up-to-date informed of all data that is collected about them, the purpose of the collection as well as about where and to whom this data is transmitted.
Site-urile web aparținând Societații Ventilatorul 1932 SA folosesc cookie-uri pentru a furniza vizitatorilor o experiență mult mai bună de navigare și servicii adaptate nevoilor și interesului fiecăruia. „Cookie”-urile au rolul de a facilita accesul și livrarea serviciilor folosite de utilizatorii de Internet, precum personalizarea anumitor setări (limba, țara, prețuri afișate în moneda națională). „Cookie”-urile, pe baza informațiilor pe care le adună despre utilizatori, îi ajută pe deținătorii de site-uri să își eficientizeze produsul astfel încât acesta să fie cât mai ușor accesat de către utilizatori și de asemenea, cresc gradul de eficiență a publicității online.
The new rules imposed by GDPR also have a direct impact on our cookie policy, which we update on this occasion.
Through this policy we intend to inform you about:
• What type of cookies exist on our sites;
• As long as they persist in visitors’ browsers;
• What data do these cookies track;
• What is the final purpose of these cookies (functionality, preferences, statistics, marketing, etc)
• Where the data is sent and with whom it is shared;
• How to refuse the use of cookies and how to subsequently change browser settings related to cookies.
The GDPR regulation allows the storage of cookies on your equipment if they are strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the website. This website uses different types of cookies. Certain cookies are installed by third parties. You may change or withdraw your consent to the Cookie Policy at any time.
You can learn more about how we process your personal data and how you can contact us in the Privacy Policy.
The policy refers to cookies and the web page operated by VENTILATORUL 1932 SA, personal data operator, headquartered in Bucharest, bd. Carol I, no. 54, room 4, 2nd district (hereinafter referred to as the Company).
1. Definition. Overview
We use the term “cookie” to refer to cookies and similar technologies through which information can be collected automatically.
A cookie is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, that will be stored on a computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user through which the Internet is accessed.
Cookies are installed by request from a web server to a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, chrome, etc).
Once installed, cookies have a determined lifespan, remaining “passive”, in the sense that they do not contain software, viruses or spyware and will not access the information on the IT equipment on which they were installed.
A cookie consists of two parts: the name of the cookie and the content or value of the cookie.
From a technical point of view, only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the web page associated with that web server.
2. Field of use
These files make it possible to recognize the user’s terminal and present the content in a relevant way, adapted to the user’s preferences. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support VENTILATORUL 1932’s efforts to provide comfortable services to users:
• Preferences for relevant destinations or advertising;
- Are also used in the preparation of aggregated anonymous statistics that help us understand how a user benefits from our web pages, allowing us to improve their structure and content, excluding the user’s personal identification;
• Cookies are used to provide users a website with a better browsing experience and services tailored to the needs and interests of each user, namely for improving the use of that website, including the identification of any errors that occur during its visit/use by users;
• The anticipation of possible goods that will be made available to users in the future through this website, depending on the services/products accessed.
Bases on the feedback sent by cookies about how this website is used, the administrator can take steps to make this website more efficient and accessible to users.
Thus, the use of cookies allows the storage of certain settings/preferences set by users, such as:
• The language in which a website is viewed;
• The currency in which certain prices or tariffs are expressed;
• Facilitating access to users’ accounts;
• Posting comments on the site;
• Keeping lists of favorite products;
• Keeping abandoned baskets
3. Cookies used
We use cookies per session. These are temporary files that remain in the user’s terminal until the end of the session or closing the application (web browser).
The following cookies can be places by using/visiting the website.
Website performance cookies
• This type of cookie stores the user’s preferences for this website, so that resetting the preferences in the event of a subsequent visit to the website is no longer necessary.
User analysis cookies
- These cookies inform us if a certain user of the website has visited/used this website before. These cookies are used for statistical purposes only.
Geotargetting cookies • These cookies are used by a software that determines the country of origin of the website’s user.
Registration cookies
• When you register on this site, are generated cookies that store this process. The servers use these cookies to show us the account with which you are registered. Also, the use of these cookies allows us to associate any comment posted on the website with the username of the account used. Usually, these cookies will be deleted automatically at the end of the browsing session.
Advertising cookies
Advertising providers of cookies
4. Cookies vs. personal data
Cookies themselves do not require personal information or data in order to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify internet users. Personal data collected through the use of Cookies may only be collected to facilitate certain functionalities for the user. Such data is encrypted in a way that makes it impossible for unauthorized persons to access it.
Cookies store information in a small text file that allows browser recognition.
This website recognizes the browser until cookies expire or are deleted.
5. Cookies purpose and how to use them
The Company’s site installs cookies only to allow the improvement of the offered functions, so that the experience occasioned by visiting the site becomes more pleasant. Our company does not use cookies to collect, process, disseminate or record personal data.
The Company’s website mainly uses original cookies. They are installed and controlled by the Company, not by external organizations.
However, in order to view certain pages, you will also need to accept cookies from external organizations.
We use 3 types of original cookies to:
• Store visitor preferences
• Ensure the good operation on the sites
• Collect analytical data (about user behavior)
Visitor preferences
These cookies are places by us (through the Company’s IT System Administrator) and only we can read them. They note:
• If you accepted/refused this site’s cookie policy
• If you have already answered the pop-up questionnaire (about how useful the site was for you), so that it will not be displayed to you in the future.
- Operational cookies
These are some cookie that we need to include in order to make web pages to work. For this reason, they do not require your consent. This is about:
- Authentication cookies
- Technical cookies required for certain computer systems
- • Authentication cookies
These are stored when you connect to a Commission site using our authentication service. By doing so, you accept the associated privacy policy.
- Analytical cookies
We use these cookies exclusively for internal research, in order to improve the service we offer to all our users.
They evaluate how you interact with our site as an anonymous user (the data collected does not personally identify you).
Also, this data is not shared with any third party and is not used for other purposes. Anonymous statistics can be shared with contractors working on communication projects, under the terms of a contractual agreement with the Company.
You are free to refuse this type of cookie – on the first page you visit, through the banner dedicated to cookies.
6. Browser settings for Cookies, Deleting Cookies , Ștergerea Cookie-urilor
Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make this website difficult to visit, leading to limitations in its use.
If the use of cookies is not annoying and the computer or technical equipment used to browse this website is used by only one person, long deadlines may be set for storing your browsing history.
If the computer or the technical equipment used to browse this website is used by more than one person, the setting for deleting individual browsing data each time the browser is closed may be considered.
All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings can be accessed, as a rule, in the “option” section or in the “preferences” menu of your browser.
In general, an application used to access web pages allows you to save cookies on the terminal by default. These settings can be changed so that the automatic administration of Cookies is blocked by the web browser or the user is informed every time Cookies are sent to this terminal. Detailed information on the possibilities and ways of managing cookies can be found in the settings area of the application (web browser). Restricting the use of cookies may affect certain functionalities of the website.
7. Duration of cookie’s usage
The lifetime of a cookie can vary significantly, depending on the purpose for which it is placed.
There are the following categories of cookies that also determine their lifespan:
Session cookie – a cookie that is automatically deleted when the user closes their browser.
Persistent or fixed cookie – a cookie that remains stored in the user’s terminal until it reaches a certain expiration date (which may be in a few minutes, days or several years in the future) or until it is deleted by the user at any time through browser settings.
Flash cookie – if the user has Adobe Flash installed on their computer, small files may be stored in that computer’s memory by websites that contain Flash items (such as videos) and may be used for the same purposes as common cookies. When regular cookies are deleted through the functions of browsers, flash cookies are not affected. Thus, a website that uses flash cookies may recognize a user on a new visit, if the data specific to the deleted cookies were also retained in a flash cookie.
8. Security and privacy issues
Cookies are not viruses. They use plain text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code so they cannot be executed, nor can they auto-run. As a result, they cannot be duplicated or replicated on other networks to run or replicate. Because they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.
Cookie-urile pot fi totuși folosite pentru scopuri negative. Deoarece stochează informații despre preferințele și istoricul de navigare al utilizatorilor, atât pe un anume site cât și pe mai multe alte siteuri, cookie-urile pot fi folosite ca o formă de Spyware. Multe produse anti-spyware sunt conștiente de acest fapt și în mod constant marchează cookie-urile pentru a fi șterse în cadrul procedurilor de ștergere/scanare anti-virus/anti-spyware.
In general, browsers have integrated privacy settings that provide different levels of acceptance of cookies, validity period and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site.
Other security issues related to cookies:
Because identity protection is very valuable, and represents the right of every internet user, it is advisable to know what possible problems cookies can create. Because through them information is constantly transmitted in both directions between the browser and the website, if an attacker or unauthorized person intervenes during the transmission of data, the information contained in the cookie may be intercepted.
Deși foarte rar, acest lucru se poate întâmpla daca browserul se conectează la server folosind o rețea necriptată (ex: o retea WiFi nesecurizată).
Other cookie-based attacks involve incorrect cookie settings on servers. If a website does not require the browser to use only encrypted channels, attackers can use this vulnerability to trick browsers into sending information through unsecured channels. Attackers then use the information in order to gain unauthorized access to certain sites. It is very important to be careful in choosing the most appropriate method of personal information protection.
9. Tips for safe and responsible browsing based on cookies. Third party cookies Modulele cookie de la terți
Some of our pages display content from external providers, such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
In order to view third-party content, you must first accept their specific terms and conditions – including their cookie policies, which we cannot control.
But if you do not view that content, no third-party cookies will be installed for you.
Due to their flexibility and the fact that the most of the most visited sites, and the largest ones, use cookies, they are almost inevitable. Disabling cookies will not allow user access to the most common and used sites including YouTube, Gmail, Yahoo and others.
Here are some tips that can ensure that you navigate worry-free but with the help of cookies:
- -Customize your browser settings for cookies that reflect a comfortable level of security for you;
- If you do not mind cookies, you are the only person using the computer, you can set long expiration dates for storing your browsing history and personal access data;
- - If you share access to your computer, you can consider setting your browser to clear individual browsing data each time you close your browser. This is a way to access the sites that place cookies and to delete any visit information at the end of the browsing session;
- - Install and constantly update your antispyware applications. Many of the spyware detection and prevention applications include site attack detection. This prevents the browser from accessing websites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download malicious software.
- -Make sure your browser is always up to date. Manu cookie-bases attacks are exploied by exploiting the weaknesses of older versions of browsers.
Cookies are everywhere and cannot be avoided if you want to enjoy access to the best and largest sites on the Internet – local or international. With a clear understanding of how they operate and the benefits they bring, you can take the necessary security measures so that you can surf the internet with confidence.
Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make certain sites impractical or difficult to visit and use. Also, the refusal to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive/see online advertising.
It is possible to set in the browser so that these cookies are no longer accepted or you can set the browser to accept cookies from a specific site. But, for example, if you are not registered using cookies, you will not be able to leave comments.
All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the “option” or “preferences” menu of your browser.
To understand these settings, the following links may be useful, otherwise you can use the browser’s “help” option for more details.
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari Pentru a ști tot ce trebuie despre cookie-uri, inclusiv cum le puteți sterge de pe calculatorul sau dispozitivul dumneavoastră, vă rugăm să accesați: